It’s no secret that as humans, our sense of smell is inextricably linked to our centers of emotion, nostalgia and wellness. Here at our company, every aroma is designed to inspired working experiences. From childhood memories, to traveling with loved ones, to spending time with friends, or just relaxing after a long hectic day. Our diverse sources of inspiration allow us to cater to those needs. While some of our products might provide an energy boost, others might contain more of a soothing agent to help wind down after a taxing day. It depends on the individual person on level of comfort needed. Nature has a way of showing what is needed to continue into the wellness of living. So with the knowledge of well being, TamDu'Ky was formed solely on all levels of these wellness. We offer the therapeutic aromas for relaxing or soothing fragrance scents while entertaining family or friends. Connecting to nature is our link to wellness of mind and body. And will continue to grow for well being person.
Our Past, Present & Future
TamDu'ky is a family base company that provides products for the mind and body. The correct pronunciation is (Tam- Du (do)- Ky (Kie), and since the beginning this family always had a creative side. From artistry to singing, we always showed our individual creativity. It's wasn't until 2018 where we put that creativity to test with products. We started small and build from there, learning from trials and errors. And finally, it's here the design of therapeutic products for the mind and body. Though hard work, challenges and dedication we continue to grow and work hard toward giving the very best. All our products are made from organic materials and is tested by humans and not animals. We stand firmly behind our products and strive to give our consumers the best of us! The commitment to superior quality of our products being used are sourced, crafted, and packaged with dedication. The making of all our products is the top priority for the ultimate self-care experience.